
Low Security Configuration

The low security configuration for your project involves utilizing the secret_key from the software to ensure proper validation of software instances. In this configuration, if the secret_key is modified and existing software instances have already been configured with the low security setting, you will need to update the configuration accordingly.

To obtain the secret_key, you can find it in the config.php file of the Blackout software. Once obtained, simply replace the existing secret_key in your project's configuration.

To switch to the low security state, you only need to modify the following line in your configuration file:

define('API_SECURITY', 0);

Set the value to 0 to enable the low security mode. Depending on your preference, you can adjust this value accordingly to achieve the desired security level.

This simple adjustment ensures that your project operates under the low security configuration, allowing for flexibility in managing software instances while maintaining a basic level of security.


Regards, Vuhp 📀

Last updated