🦰Setting up the polymart

Let's start by logging into polymart.org. Once inside, choose our product to automate. Note that this cannot be tested; you simply have to trust that everything was done correctly, unless you are willing to set the price to $1 and buy it to test it. That is the only way. Now, click on the product and open the 'webhook' tab.

Once inside, open the 'webhook' tab and enter the URL of our site. In this case, just replace 'license.devbybit.com' with your domain. The rest is all the same unless it is in a subfolder (which is not recommended for solary).

Once created, click on 'send ping' to check that it is connected. If it works, the webhook should be created (In case you are creating it.)

Done. With this, we should be finished. Keep in mind that you need to have it active and have entered your product ID when creating the resource. If you haven't done this, simply edit it and enter it. (If the options do not appear, make sure the 'polymart' mode is enabled.)


Regards, juan panizzino📀

Last updated