All permissions listed with their function explanation.
The license permissions are distinguished by being in the licenses section and users in some sections.
View all licenses and manage licenses that are not the user's own.
View the 'new license' tab and be able to generate a new license.
View the notes saved in the licenses by the administrators or license creators.
Modify licenses without exception.
Delete licenses without exception.
Perform the aforementioned actions in the licenses tab.
The group permissions are distinguished by being in the group section and users in some sections.
View all groups.
View the 'new group' tab and be able to generate a new group.
Modify groups without exception.
Delete groups without exception.
View all permissions of the selected group.
Add a permission to the selected group.
Delete any permission from the selected group.
View the users in the selected group.
Add a user to a group.
Delete any user from the selected group.
Execute all the above actions without exception.
The user permissions are distinguished by being in the user section.
View all registered users and the users tab.
Delete user without exception.
Perform the previous actions in the users tab.
All previous permissions in all tabs with just this permission. (Recommended for the owner.)
Last updated